What is Qurbani?

NEPAL 2024 £ TBC Large Animal (1 Share) DONATE NOW Popular PAKISTAN 2024 £ TBC Large Animal (1 Share) DONATE NOW Popular MALAWI 2024 £ TBC Large Animal (1 Share) DONATE NOW Popular QURBANI 2024 FAQS What is Qurbani? Before we can go on to discuss what Qurbani teaches us, we must first establish what ... What is Qurbani?

Gift for Mum and Dad ????

Indeed, our parents are truly a blessing from Allah SWT. They have played a crucial role in our lives, providing us with love, care, and guidance. Their sacrifices and selfless efforts to nurture and protect us are immeasurable. Whether we have had the opportunity to spend a significant amount of time with our parents or ... Gift for Mum and Dad ????

Rajab – The Sacred Month

Looking to have a more fulfilling Ramadan experience this year? ????⁣ There’s still time! The month of Rajab holds numerous blessings and provides an excellent opportunity to make final preparations, both mentally and spiritually, for a productive Ramadan. Don’t forget to seek forgiveness from Allah Almighty, and may he accept our Ramadan, grant us ease ... Rajab – The Sacred Month

Truck Aid to Palestine

Children of Adam Palestine Emergency Truck Aid Objective: To provide essential supplies to those affected by the crisis in Palestine Contents of each truck: 1. Food: Nutritious and non-perishable food items to sustain individuals and families during the emergency. 2. Water: Clean drinking water to ensure the well-being and hydration of the affected population. 3. ... Truck Aid to Palestine

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