Donation Policy
Children of Adam seek the guidance of scholars to ensure that Charity’s funds are distributed and monitored correctly. Knowing that we are all ultimately accountable to the Almighty, the charity strives to maintain transparency and accountability.
Children of Adam understands the importance of amanah(trust); the responsibility and accountability it brings.
So you may be wondering how do Children of Adam pay for admin?
The simple answer is because of great people like you and businesses who donate to our administration fund and believe in our vision and help us in maintaining our donation policy. We also use tax reclaimed through the Gift Aid scheme to help run the charity, please do continue to help us by filling out a gift aid form and return it to us.
We request all our donors and supporters to please continue to contribute towards our administration fund to enable us to maintain our commitment to our donation policy which without you would not be possible, may Allah swt reward you all with the best of rewards.
Rasulullah Sallallahu ‘alayhi wassalam has said
“The best of people are those that bring most benefit to the rest of mankind.”