What We Are Doing in Gaza This Winter

Published 3 November 2022  Article By Munir Bhimani

Our Winter Appeal aims to support those in need, including families in Gaza. This charity aid is essential in providing vital provisions to ensure they do not face the cold alone.

Our Winter Appeal

We provide food such as pasta, oil and rice, clothes and blankets, and wood, gas and electricity to households that suffer from the harsh winter. We can only do this with your help! Your donations will allow us to provide these necessities for families in Gaza which will help them to get through winter.

Every year, thousands of people die during the winter. In Palestine and Gaza, deaths are often due to winter-related illnesses and the cold that puts the vulnerable at risk. While we are protected with clothes, heating and annual flu jabs, which we often take for granted, many people do not have these essential provisions. With the basic items we give to these families, the survival rate is much higher, and getting through winter becomes a lot easier.

“Whoever feeds a hungry believer, Allah will feed him with the fruits of Paradise; and whoever gives a drink to a thirsty believer, Allah will quench his thirst (on the Day of Judgment) with an exquisite drink of Paradise; and whoever clothes a believer, Allah will clothe him with a green robe of Paradise.” (Tirmidhi)

This winter, we want to continue to support those in need, particularly those in Palestine and Gaza, who are often vulnerable in winter due to a lack of provisions. Please donate what you can to our winter appeal to allow us to continue to supply these provisions for them, and the reward in this is great, both for you and for the recipients of your charity.

The Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said, ‘The believer’s shade on the Day of Resurrection will be his charity.’ (Tirmidhi)

By donating to Children of Adam to support this appeal, you will be giving Sadaqah Jariyah. This type of charity can gain plentiful reward for the giver, even after they pass away, as it has continuous rewards attached to it. Giving this type of charity will ultimately increase your position in the afterlife, and it also ensures your own welfare and happiness, as shown in the hadith, “Give Sadaqah without delay, for it stands in the way of calamity” (Tirmidhi).

How you can help the people in Gaza and Palestine

Please donate what you can to our appeal to ensure that the poor, needy and vulnerable in Gaza and Palestine are well cared for. Your donations will provide them with food, clothing, heating and other necessities to support them this winter.

Will you support a family in Gaza this winter?

£20 provides an individual with a hat, scarf, gloves, socks and a blanket, which greatly helps them in the harsh winter. Donate £20 here.

£30 provides a family of 4-6 members with food, including pasta, oil, rice and flour, as well as other dry foods. Donate £30 here.

£50 provides a family with heating in the form of gas, wood or electricity, which allows a household to battle the winter and stay warm. Donate £50 here.

£100 provides all the above provisions; food, clothes and heating to support a family in need. Donate £100 here.

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