A loss of eyesight is pushing vulnerable people into the depths of poverty. Around the world, 2 billion people are struggling with blindness or vision impairment. However, two-thirds of all blindness is treatable, with the right healthcare. Most blindness is caused by cataracts – a layer that develops over the eye causing a clouding of vision which leads to total blindness. Cataracts can be removed through a simple procedure, and in most cases can help a person see once again. However, millions living in poverty around the world are unable to access quality eye care. Many people living in remote locations struggle to travel to a hospital, or don’t have money to make the trip possible.
As a result of poverty and issues with access, millions of people are living with blindness that can easily be cured. This is why, at Children of Adam, we are providing cataract eye surgeries for those in need, helping to restore sight. By helping vulnerable people get the vital cataract surgery they need, we are able to help people return to work; to provide for their families; to study; to read the Qur’an; to see their loves ones, and to be an active part of their community. By saving sight, we can uplift families and help break devastating cycles of poverty. Help ensure that everyone has access to quality eye care by supporting our Saving Sight Appeal, and provide a cataract surgery today.