Miracles of our Beloved Prophet Children of Adam’s Ibn Masoud Academy presents, *Mujizaatun Nabi ﷺ* *Miracles of our beloved Prophet ﷺ* A free two session course for brothers and sisters which aims to rekindle the love for Allah’s Messenger ﷺ and inspire attendees to emulate his blessed example. *Friday the 25th of November and Friday 2nd of December 2022 insha Allah * *Time-8pm* *Venue* Iqra Academy Enterprise Way North Bretton Peterborough PE3 8YQ *These classes are for both brothers and sisters*. For more information please contact us on Brothers 07728 354934 Sisters 07487 701613 *Ibn Masoud Academy* is a *Children of Adam* initiative which aims to serve humanity by making the sacred knowledge of our blessed Deen accessible to people.