Gaza Emergency Aid Truck

Gaza Emergency Aid Truck

Winter Emergency

Winter Emergency

Lebanon Emergency

Lebanon Emergency




Pay Your Fidya Online

These are obligations for Muslims observing Ramadan 2025 who break their fasts under certain circumstances. It’s crucial for us, as Muslims, to comprehend the specifics ensure the spiritual integrity of our fasting throughout the month.



Pay Your Fitrana Online

Fitrana, also known as Zakat al-Fitr or Sadaqat al-Fitr, is often referred to as “the Charity of Breaking the Fast” during Ramadan or Zakat al-Fitrah, reflecting its essence as an obligatory charity for every Muslim at the conclusion of Ramadan, irrespective of age or gender.


Food Parcel

Ramadan Food Parcels

This Ramadan, you have the opportunity to make a profound impact by providing a food parcel for a family in various countries. With your donation, these families will have the means to break their fasts and partake in suhoor (pre-dawn breakfast), ensuring they have sustenance during this sacred time of fasting.



Iftar Meals From Only £1

By offering iftar for poor people during Ramadan 2025, you’re alleviating the burden of food insecurity for families thereby gaining the blessings and rewards of this sacred month. £1 feeds one person, £10 feeds 10 people, you have the power to feed as many people as you can.



Ramadan Shelter Homes Appeal

Over 1.6 billion people worldwide are living without proper homes. Due to the devastating effects of poverty, war, and displacement, countless families are forced to survive in makeshift shelters, refugee camps, or precarious structures made from scraps of material.



Ways to Donate Water in Ramadan

During Ramadan, water is crucial for those fasting. Hydration supports both spiritual discipline and physical endurance. Donate a water hand pump in your loved ones name and gain the Sadaqah for their hereafter.




Winter Emergency

Winter Emergency

This winter could be fatal for vulnerable communities around the world. Donate now to spread warmth and save lives.

Water Hand Pumps

Water Hand Pumps

Donate a water hand pump and ensure that those in need have access to clean drinking water every single day.

Daily Roti Bread Appeal

Daily Roti Bread Appeal

Feed a Soul, Change a Life: Join Our Bread Appeal in Pakistan and Lebanon. A place where no one will...

Jummah Feeding

Jummah Feeding

We provide freshly cooked meals every Jummah to vulnerable communities to tackle hunger and promote brotherhood.

Our Mission

Embodying the compassionate spirit of Islam through global humanitarian efforts.

At Children of Adam, our mission is to alleviate suffering, empower communities, and create sustainable solutions to address the challenges faced by vulnerable populations both locally in the UK and internationally. We are dedicated to providing relief, fostering development, and inspiring hope through meaningful projects that make a lasting impact.

Our vision is a world where no one is left behind—where communities thrive with dignity, individuals have access to essential resources, and opportunities for growth and self-reliance are accessible to all. We strive to be a driving force for positive change, bridging the gap between those in need and those who can help.



Meals have been handed out.
Water hand pumps built.
Orphans sponsored.
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Ramadan 2025

We are committed to tackling global poverty and empowering families.

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Zakat Calculator

Have you already calculated your Zakat?

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