
Fidya and Kaffarah Explained

Fidya & Kaffarah

The pillars of Islam are the fundamentals of the religion and were set out by Allah (SWT) to guide Muslims to live a good, honest, and responsible life in line with His teachings outlined in the Qur’an. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) lived his life by these pillars, and Muslims should strive to do as he did Fidya and Kaffarah Explained

The Fifth Pillar of Islam

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In Islam, there are Five Pillars that signify the five key principles that Muslims base their life around. These are Shahadah, Salat, Sawm, Zakat, and Hajj, which Allah (SWT) has made compulsory for all able Muslims. Hajj is the fifth pillar, and it refers to the pilgrimage to Mecca that all Muslims must embark on The Fifth Pillar of Islam

The Five Pillars Explained


This is extremely important in the Islamic faith as these obligations provide the framework of a Muslim’s life, influencing their everyday activities. In Islam, it’s considered pointless to live a life without putting faith into practice, meaning Muslims must prioritise their faith rather than trying to slot it amongst their secular lives. So, what are The Five Pillars Explained

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